Potomac Community Resources Carnival

Potomac Community Resources is having an end of summer Carnival for the Tricia Sullivan Respite program on Sunday July 21st between 3-5pm The TSR program is for teens and adults with significant care and medical needs. All of the individuals at this program use wheelchairs and need one on one staff assistance.

PCR is willing to donate $ to Kapitol Klowns for this event- IF we have enough clowns volunteer. Last year we had 6 of us. As of right now Rita and I are the only clowns who sign up. We need at least 5 or 6

If you are available we would love to have you join us. This is a very rewarding afternoon. PCR is planning to have us make balloon animals, face paint and clown around.

2:30-3:00PM- set-up. Please arrive by 2:45pm
3:00-5:00PM- Carnival

The address is 1010 Grandin Ave Rockville MD. This is an old school building
PLEASE let me know if you are available by Thurs July 11th, I will need to make other entertainment arrangements if we do not have enough clowns.

For more information or to participate, contact Diane Jones, aka Toodles, at toodlestheclown@aol.com